Taranaki To Play Critical Role In A Zero-Carbon Gas Future For New Zealand
Taranaki Regional Development Agency Venture Taranaki welcomes Firstgas Group’s findings from their recent Hydrogen Trial report, commending the very substantive piece of work they have completed.
"It is evident Taranaki will continue to play a leading role in New Zealand’s energy future and an even more critical role in a zero-carbon future for New Zealand," said Venture Taranaki CE, Justine Gilliland.
Firstgas has today delivered their Hydrogen Network Trial report, setting out plans for the decarbonisation of their gas pipeline network in New Zealand. This takes a staged and gradual approach to integrating hydrogen into their existing infrastructure by blending hydrogen into their North Island natural gas network from 2030, with potential to convert to a 100 per cent, zero-carbon hydrogen grid by 2050.
"The announcement today is a significant milestone in terms of the aspirations and plans that were launched by the Prime Minister as part of the Venture Taranaki H2 Roadmap two years ago" said Justine.
The H2 Taranaki Roadmap looks at the potential for Taranaki to leverage its existing skills and infrastructure to become a leading region in hydrogen production, and a driver and leader of New Zealand’s shift to a low-emissions future.
"The Roadmap identified opportunities to apply the expertise within the region’s existing energy sector to the development of Hydrogen production. Now Firstgas’ report demonstrates the importance of both hydrogen and continuing to have a reliable and well-connected gas network; it is this combination that can and will make a significant difference to Aotearoa’s decarbonisation journey" adds Justine.
Taranaki is perfectly positioned to leverage this opportunity and will be critical and central to the country’s journey. Taranaki has existing hydrogen production, infrastructure and expertise, established energy generation and distribution infrastructure, significant industrial, service and operational industries, and a strong culture of health and safety.
"The trial report also evidences the value of investments and forward-thinking by Taranaki-based companies such as Hiringa and Firstgas" says Justine.
She continues "It shows the Climate Change Commission’s draft advice around no new natural gas connections is short-sighted and would lead New Zealand to throwing out solutions far too soon, rather than using all the tools at our disposal with an unrelenting focus on emissions reduction. We can achieve a zero-carbon gas network - it’s just different gases over time".
The scale set out in the Firtgas Hydrogen Trial report also shows that, by using hydrogen, there is the opportunity for offshore wind to assist with helping manufacturers decarbonise while producing value-add products and retaining skilled jobs. It also means New Zealanders can continue to access affordable water and home heating, and gas cooking in a zero-carbon future.
"It will be extremely important that New Zealand keeps closely connected to international developments (rather than pursuing different approaches such as full electrification) as low-emissions international technology, developments and investments, such as hydrogen, will quickly be adaptable to New Zealand" concludes Justine.
Later this month, Venture Taranaki will release an update on the H2 Roadmap. Also, in April Ngā Kaiwhakatere o Taranaki and Venture Taranaki are bringing the Tapuae Roa and Taranaki 2050 Roadshow around the region. The roadshow will update the community on the progress and implementation of Tapuae Roa and Taranaki 2050 actions, with a focus on what is coming in the near future.
Please visit the Venture Taranaki website to read the H2 Roadmap - www.about.taranaki.info/Tapuae-Roa/H2.aspx
Information about the Tapuae Roa and Taranaki 2050 Roadshow will be available soon on the Venture Taranaki website www.venture.taranaki.info/.