Retail Rebounds, But Lower Level Now Key For Hospo - TBBA
“We’ve seen retail positively bounce back under Alert Level 2.5, but our hospitality operators are still down considerably. Here’s hoping we can move to a ‘Level 1.5’ as soon as it’s deemed safe enough,” says Takapuna Beach Business Association (TBBA) chief executive, Terence Harpur.
His comments come ahead of Cabinet’s decision on Monday regarding Alert Levels.
The TBBA has today released Marketview data showing retail spend in the North Shore metropolitan centre for the first full week of Auckland at Alert Level 2.5.
In the week ending 6 September, total retail spend in Takapuna was down by just 3.5% compared to the same week last year. For each of the two weeks prior, when Auckland was at Alert Level 3, Takapuna retail trade was down 85% respectively.
“Seeing locals, visitors, and employees supporting our local businesses has been such a welcomed sight and believe me it is really appreciated.
“There has no doubt been some pent-up demand for retail as many shops were closed for nearly three weeks. However, Level 2.5 remains particularly restrictive on restaurants, cafés and bars, and that’s reflected in these latest trading numbers,” says Mr Harpur.
Takapuna’s latest Marketview weekly report shows spending in Takapuna on Hospitality & Accommodation was -26.3%; Food, Liquor & Pharmacies +18.9; Clothing, Footwear & Dept. Stores +14.6%; Home & Recreational Retailing +58.3%; and all other +1.5%.
“We always knew that hospitality would be down, as big groups are prohibited, patrons all need to be seated, and many tables and chairs have to be removed. However, what’s also supressing their revenue is the fact that many people are still working from home, and others are just not socialising as much under Level 2.5,” he says.
Mr Harpur says taking Auckland down to a possible ‘Level 1.5’ should be a major consideration for the Government this week.
“We’d love to see a Level 1.5 come into play from Wednesday night. There have been significant improvements in contact tracing, many Kiwis are now wearing masks, and the community is much more educated about overall health protection.
“While Takapuna retailers have seen some great support under Level 2.5, it’s important Aucklanders continue to support local businesses, retailers, and hospitality operators as much as they can going forward,” says Terence Harpur.