Westpac Auckland Business Awards 2019
Auckland, November 1, 2019

Augusto Group has won the Supreme Business Excellence Award at last night’s Westpac Auckland Business Awards 2019 – Central region.
The creative and production agency describes itself as a ‘team of thinkers and makers at the intersection of advertising, entertainment and technology’, and company boss Aimee McCammon says this is proof that New Zealand companies can succeed globally.
“Kiwi thinking and innovation is highly valued, so don’t hold back from getting on the world stage.”
Augusto Group also won the Excellence in International Trade category to make it eligible for the supreme award.
Other individual category winners included pre-prepared food delivery company WOOP!, international university entry facilitator Crimson Education, moving company Smart Express Ltd, airline operations software producer Merlot Aero Ltd, technical tendering and procurement consultancy Height Project Management, property management company Wendell Property, aged care facility Elizabeth Knox Home & Hospital, children’s shoe manufacture Bobux.
Auckland Business Chamber CEO Michael Barnett congratulates the businesses on the success they have achieved.
“These awards bring together businesses to showcase their talent, their strategic thinking, marketing and customer services and much more. Our winners and finalists are todays employers and tomorrows wealth providers. They deserve to be recognised and celebrated,” says Barnett.
Auckland Council’s economic growth agency – Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED) – partners with the Auckland Business Chamber to present the awards.
ATEED Chief Executive, Nick Hill, praises businesses recognised in the awards, describing small and medium sized businesses as essential in helping to create ‘quality jobs for all Aucklanders’.
“In central Auckland there are nearly 65,000 businesses, of which nearly 99 per cent are SME. As Auckland prepares for the future, it’s an exciting time for the region. Professional, scientific and technical services businesses continue to thrive as the region’s largest employer, and construction is booming in central Auckland, up 52 per cent over the last 10 years,” says Hill.
Jeff Driscoll, Westpac Regional Commercial Manager, Auckland, says the Westpac Business Excellence Awards are about taking time out to recognise the smartest, savviest and strongest businesses in the Auckland community.
“It’s been fantastic to see the high
calibre of entries this year. Auckland is the biggest cog in
New Zealand’s economy and fundamentally important to our
global success,” says
Westpac Auckland
Business Awards 2019 – Central
Emerging Business - sponsored by Air New
Winner: Crimson
Excellence in Customer Service
Delivery - sponsored by Barfoot &
Winner: Smart Express
Excellence in Innovation -
sponsored by Ministry of Social Development
Merlot Aero Ltd
Excellence in International
Trade - sponsored by Ports of Auckland
Augusto Group
Excellence in Marketing
- sponsored by Soar Print
Excellence in Strategy and
Planning - sponsored by Fusion5
Winner: Height
Project Management
Employer of the
Year - sponsored by OfficeMax
Winner: Wendell
Excellence in Community
Contribution – sponsored by Westpac
Elizabeth Knox Home & Hospital
Choice Award – sponsored by Huawei
Supreme Business Excellence
Award - sponsored by Westpac
Winner: Augusto
For a complete list of finalists and award
ceremony details, please visit aucklandbusinessawards.co.nz