Aurecon first NZ engineering company to achieve Rainbow Tick
19 February 2019
Aurecon first NZ engineering company to achieve The Rainbow Tick

engineering and infrastructure advisory company, Aurecon, is
excited to announce that it has received The Rainbow Tick
certification at the beginning of Pride Month.
The Rainbow Tick is a quality improvement
cycle designed to make an organisation a safe, welcoming and
inclusive place for people of diverse gender identity and
sexual orientation. The Rainbow Tick is awarded to
organisations that complete a Diversity & Inclusion
certification process that tests whether a workplace
understands, values, and welcomes sexual and gender
In January 2019 Aurecon became the first consulting engineer in New Zealand to be certified. The certification process took seven months and has been a major milestone in a two-year journey to date.
The journey started with a group of people who were instrumental in establishing an internal LGBTI+ network, AureconPRIDE. At the heart of ensuring the LGBTI+ community felt supported, it was vital that an inclusive environment, that would help all our people to achieve their full potential, became part of the everyday culture at Aurecon.
Fully supported by Aurecon’s leadership, a core group that included members of Aurecon’s LGBTI+ community champions and advocates, worked through several initiatives, to help realise their aspiration - these included:
• Auditing and updating of human resources policies and practices to ensure LGBTI+ inclusion
• Including same-sex families and relationships within Aurecon’s parental and Shared Care benefits and programmes
• Developing transgender guidelines and a programme to support those transitioning while at Aurecon
• A programme of LGBTI+ awareness and ally training delivered by accredited LGBTI+ trainers, with ongoing sessions for more staff during 2019.
• The development of the Beyond Management – Leading Inclusively programme, to support line managers in building their inclusive leadership capabilities.
• Supporting Callum Smith, a Geospatial Consultant at Aurecon, to set up a New Zealand industry group, LGBTI+ in STEM. The group aims to improve the visibility of LGBTI+ individuals in STEM fields and providing a networking and support platform
• Acknowledging and raising awareness on days of significance such as the annual Wear It Purple Day
Michael Stevens, Programme Manager for Rainbow Tick says “We congratulate Aurecon on reaching the standard required to be certified with the Rainbow Tick. There was clear evidence in all areas of a serious and engaged approach to this work which includes a lot of goodwill from senior management and those involved. We believe this will be translated into effective change.”
Diversity and inclusion drives Aurecon’s innovation and creativity, and is enabled by teams of diverse people, led by inclusive leaders. At the heart of this achievement was a core team that brought enthusiasm and energy to challenge the business to make a positive change.
“I am constantly in awe of the courage of our people to put themselves out there and be the face of change in not only our business, but also in our profession. We have had leaders comment that the drive around diversity and inclusion has helped them significantly as a leader and that they are extremely proud to have helped create a better workplace for all.” says Carl Devereux, Aurecon’s Regional Director – New Zealand.
Carl continues “Diversity, true diversity, includes everyone. I am so proud of what we have achieved but also very aware that the journey continues to ensure that we continue to offer an inclusive environment where all of our people can be their authentic selves.”
Certification is important recognition for our people and company culture. Beyond certification Aurecon’s goal is about collective, dynamic impact – both within Aurecon and with clients and industry to build a strong network. Our work and our passion for LGBTI+ inclusion continues.
About Aurecon
Aurecon is an engineering and infrastructure advisory company, but not as you know it. We’ve reimagined engineering.
Our clients’ ideas and aspirations drive all that we do. We work alongside them like no other firm to co-create clever, innovative solutions to some of the world’s most complex challenges, adding value across the project lifecycle through deep technical and advisory expertise. We serve our clients across a range of markets, in locations worldwide. Hardwired in our DNA are engineering, design and the deep need to leave a legacy. We are as diverse as we are dynamic. As curious as we are clever.
Drawing on our deep pool of knowledge, we bring vital engineering experience, technical capability and design expertise to the table. Then we listen deeply and intently. We see the opportunities, possibilities and potential that others don’t. Through a range of unique creative processes and skills, we collaborate with our clients to re-imagine, shape and design a better future.
We believe humanity depends on engineering; and we recognise we have a broader stewardship role to play. A deep responsibility to hold. As we continually strive for a life in balance, Aurecon clients will be both future ready and engineered for life.
Think engineering. Think again.
Aurecon: Engineering, re-imagined.
To find out more about what we have been up to visit our newsroom, or take a glimpse into the future on our Just Imagine blog.
Privately owned by employees, Aurecon formed in 2009 when Africon, Connell Wagner and Ninham Shand announced the formation of a new global group.
Please visit for further information.