Union Feeling Positive After Facilitation Today
The midwives’ union, MERAS, is cautiously optimistic following a positive session of the full negotiating teams in facilitation today.
MERAS industrial co-leader, Jill Ovens, says a counter-offer to their proposal has been made by the DHB negotiation team.
However, she says it is far from a done deal.
“There are several steps this must go through, including our own members, as well as the DHBs' Chief Executives, the Ministry of Health and the Government,” she says.
Nothing about the specifics of the counter-offer can be discussed or revealed at this stage, however Ms Ovens says if the proposal progresses positively, a new Multi-Employer Collective Agreement (MECA) could be in place within 4-6 weeks.
Strike notices that MERAS has issued for 12-hour strikes from 9am-9pm, on 11-14 February will not, at this stage, be withdrawn.