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A five-year collaboration between New Zealand and Caribbean scientists has developed a biostimulant – a liquid that can be used by farmers to enhance the health and yield of their crops – from Sargassum seaweed.
“The decrease in emissions this quarter came mainly from manufacturing, with falls in emissions recorded in most other industries,” environment statistics spokesperson Tehseen Islam said.
The latest 2024 annual economic report released last week by Infometrics shows that Takapuna’s economy grew by 3.8% in 2024, well ahead of Auckland’s growth of 2.1% and nearly three times New Zealand’s national growth of 1.4%.
From March to October 2023 Bed, Bath and Beyond sold 27,374 products that did not include the safety information in the locations required by law.
The submission timeline is narrow, only 30 working days, if statutory, weekends and annual holidays are factored in, and submissions close on 17 February. This is the reason we have asked for a two week extension to help submitters understand and make informed submissions
The announcement also included the release of the final critical minerals list with 37 minerals including gold and coal.