Jasmax Architect: Going Big
Jasmax Associate Principal Mary Henry will be the key guest speaker at Emerge 3: Going Big, Thursday 23 August. Mary will be speaking to her role as the project architect leading the delivery of the award-winning $56mil award-winning AUT Mana Hauora building.
Completed in 2017, the 11,000m2 Mana Hauora (MH) Building was the first major development at AUT’s South Campus in Manukau, South Auckland. The innovative and sustainably-designed building has won a host of awards, including an NZIA Architecture Award, NZIA Interior Architecture Award, Resene Colour Award, Property Council Award and Gold Best Awards for Build Environment and Public and Institutional Building.
Mary will discuss the lessons learnt while leading this complex project with its large stakeholder group for over three years. She won the Emerging Design Award at Best Awards for her work on the project in 2017 and was also a finalist for an Architecture and Women Award for Leadership in the same year.
Emerge is a series of events organised by graduates and emerging practitioners that provides a platform for discussions around what being an architectural graduate and emerging practitioner is like. Emerge uses the experience of other emerging practitioners, architects and practices to help drive the conversation.
Emerge 3 is hosted by the NZIA at Jasmax, 2 Marston St, Parnell. Thursday 23 August, 6pm start.
Spaces are free but limited.
RSVPs through Eventbrite are essential. https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/emerge-3-going-big-tickets-48471984009?aff=es2