Reporting on the Real Value of Social Investment
Te Pou Matakana (TPM) chair Merepeka Raukawa-Tait says, “An increasing number of organisations have developed measures for outputs of their activities and programmes, yet measuring outputs is not the same as measuring impact or long term success of whānau. There was a need to understand the impact of our actions, the value created for the Whānau and their communities”. To this end TPM advocates Social Return on Investment (SROI). She adds, “SROI brings us even closer to our communities. TPM shares the fundamental social value principles of the SROI approach. It is stakeholder driven and an internationally recognised framework to measure this social value.“
The Whānau Ora North Island Commissioning Agency has just released its report, Measuring Impact with Social Return on Investment (SROI) at Parliament’s Grand Hall in Wellington today. This report introduces SROI within the Whānau Ora commissioning context and highlights the importance of measuring social impact.
One of TPM’s Whānau Ora providers, Te Whānau o Waipareira, undertook a SROI analysis of one of its programmes. This is the first SROI report in the Whānau Ora space and for Māori by Māori. The study showed that for every $1 dollar invested there was a social value of $1.80 created.
Merepeka acknowledged Te Whānau o Waipareira for its report.
“The findings are revealing and this should signal a shift for government agencies and other organisations to deliver value for dollars spent,” Merepeka said.
“The potential benefit to the government is significant as consequential costs in the future can be reduced.
“In our pursuit for opportunities for whānau and the best and most innovative ways of achieving outcomes, impact measurement and SROI provides an opportunity for us as a Whānau Ora commissioning agency to align our investments towards what whānau truly need.“
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