SWUG Conference Theme and Venue Announced

Published: Thu 1 Jun 2017 02:01 PM
Auckland’s Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre will host the seventeenth-annual Single Width Users’ Group (SWUG) Conference on August 22-23.
This year themed “Tangibly Trusted”, the conference will feature a line up of excellent speakers including leading financial journalist and editor, Bernard Hickey, says acting SWUG committee chairperson Ray Clarkson.
Keynote speaker
“With over 23 years’ experience including roles with Reuters, the Financial Times Group and Fairfax Media in Wellington, Canberra, Sydney, London and Singapore, Bernard is well known to most New Zealanders,” says Mr Clarkson.
“Bernard is a regular commentator on financial, economic and investment issues, regularly appearing on radio, television, and in the Herald on Sunday. He is particularly well-informed with matters related to house prices, interest rates, finance companies, banks, international economic issues, and online media and is currently the publisher of economics/politics news E-mail, Hive News.
“Known to sometimes express controversial views, we expect Bernhard will engage in a refreshing way with our audience via a presentation tailored to cover areas of particular importance and relevance to them.”
“Tangibly Trusted” was chosen as this year’s conference theme to emphasise what this unique sector of the print industry produces and how it is perceived, says Mr Clarkson.
“Members of SWUG are entrusted to deliver high-quality print products that consumers can tangibly embrace.
“To emphasise and celebrate that proud role we’ve also had a fun but strong conference logo created. It reflects elements of print via the use of CMYK, cut-outs to represent the tangible/tactile aspect of paper, imagery of people and teams working together as well as trust via the logo’s central star formed within the legs of the ‘people’.”
While this year’s conference programme is still in the process of being finalised, Mr Clarkson says it will cover a variety of highly relevant fields and include exciting site visits to both Horton Media and Paper Reclaim.
“The conference will also feature the SWUG Awards for Printing Excellence and the Apprentice of the Year as well as a networking dinner.
“Online registration to the event is expected to be made available soon via the SWUG website and it is important to note that last year’s award winners also gain complimentary attendance to the conference.
“We expect another interactive and engaging event this year, which is likely to attract over 130 delegates and suppliers, reflecting the strength of interest and passion within this unique sector of the print industry.”
Considered one of Auckland’s most comprehensive conference centres with combined hotel accommodation, the Waipuna is located just 15 minutes from both Auckland City and airport in a 6.26-acre parkland setting, overlooking a picturesque saltwater lagoon.
Accommodation can be booked by contacting the venue directly by phone 09 526 3003 or E-mail while quoting the booking reference “PROM0817” to ensure special SWUG rates and a room is secured from the allocated conference block
The SWUG committee wishes to extend its appreciation to the generous sponsors of the conference, whose united support makes the event possible.

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