REPs Award 2016 - Congratulations Cate Grace
REPs Award 2016 - Congratulations Cate Grace
On Saturday night the Exercise Industry Awards were celebrated in Auckland, with the leaders in facilities, exercise professionals and community wellness programmes and initiatives being awarded for their professionalism.
Along with the individuals and exercise facilities that enter and compete for the top awards, there are some very special awards presented on behalf of industry organisations.
One of these awards is the NZ Register of Exercise Professionals - REPs award which is open to any business or individual that promotes or supports the growth of professionalism and standards in the exercise industry - with the award recipient chosen by the REPs Board.
This year’s recipient Catherine (Cate) Grace has been in the exercise industry for 8 years and in that time has been a strong advocate of REPs registration, industry standards and professional development.
Her business model is part business, part humanitarian, operating a safe and inclusive space for all, but especially focused on those with a range of health conditions. Many of these conditions are invisible which means her clients may not have fitted into a conventional gym model. Her philosophy is that if a person is ready and willing to get started on including exercise in their life, she is there to support them.
Her studio space is a place that is accepting of people as they come. If someone comes in not feeling good due to an ongoing health condition she is likely to say ‘Let’s reframe that’ rather than letting a person feel sorry for themselves. She believes that a client in her studio has the right to be “...whoever you want to be when you come in”…we encourage and empower…. we help you to discover and share your own good news”.
Her business is a ‘care collaboration’ model, working with other medical professionals including podiatrists, doctors, cardiologists in order to get the best possible outcomes for clients. She sees herself as part of a person’s team, helping them to positively manage their health conditions, doing her part, but understanding that there are many other people involved.
Her aim is for clients to ‘outgrow’ her, having grown and developed from their time with her support, and being back out enjoying life more fully, and being active independently. Cate says “we don’t worry about keeping them, we worry about the next people”. The clients she finds most rewarding are those that work with her infrequently and instead do much of their exercise away from her, and just check in with her as they travel on their own journey.
Cate positively manages her own health conditions
which she believes has helped her business. “My health
has helped me delegate”. She has 6 part time staff (all
with health conditions) but she is the only exercise
She is working with a team of people who
help her in a range of support roles. Cate says, “I am
successful but I’m not the best, I don’t know