Wellington region Chambers applaud package
Wellington Region
Chambers of Commerce
Media Statement
Monday 28th
November 2016
Wellington region Chambers applaud
Wellington and Hutt Valley Chambers of Commerce applaud the Government’s employee support subsidy for businesses caught inside council building cordons in both cities and unable to trade.
The package will apply to around 12 businesses on Molesworth St, 15-20 in Tory St, and a larger number in and around Queensgate Mall.
Wellington Chamber Chief Executive John Milford and Hutt Valley Chamber Chief Executive Mark Futter say the package is exactly the right thing for the Government to be doing.
“This will be most welcome to the affected businesses,” says Mr Milford.
“Depending on the timeframe for demolition or other remedial work, some of these service-based businesses could be closed for up to two months, and that would have a devastating effect on everyone who works in those businesses and their families, especially right on Christmas.”
Hutt Valley Chamber Chief Executive Mark Futter said the Lower Hutt economy was likely to be hit by the closure of nearly two-thirds of the shops in Queensgate Shopping Centre at their busiest time of the year.
“They and their employees were facing something of a terrible Christmas but this will make a huge difference.
“The effect on both them and the city will still be noticed, but for a lot of people Christmas has just been saved.”
Mr Milford and Mr Futter say they will be working to help government agencies and councils get an accurate picture of what is needed on a case-by-case basis. If any businesses are in doubt as to where they stand, they are urged to contact the Chambers for advice.