Update on insurance response to North Canterbury earthquake
15 November 2016
Update on insurance
response to North Canterbury earthquake
consumer claims teams assisting customers of AMI and State
insurance received several thousand calls through the day
(Monday 14 November).
Understandably there was a big spike in the morning from 9-11am as people were able to first assess damage in the light of day. Call volumes dropped back a bit through the day although there was a lift late in the afternoon, possibly as some people from outside the hardest hit areas found time to consider the damage after returning from work and other commitments - including helping others with the immediate response.
We actually expect a big lift in calls over the next couple of days from the worst hit area as lines of communication get fully functioning and the people there are able to move from dealing with immediate safety issues and concerns.
In terms of the geographic spread of claims enquiries it seems the energy of the earthquake really did get sent north from with reports from our assessors of damage to some pools in the Hawkes Bay region from water movement.