Vegetable industry joins GIA partnership

Published: Tue 8 Nov 2016 04:53 PM
Hon Nathan Guy
Minister for Primary Industries
8 November 2016
Media Statement
Vegetable industry joins GIA partnership
The vegetable industry has become the twelfth industry partner to join the Government Industry Agreement (GIA) biosecurity partnership, Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy has announced today.
“It’s great to have Vegetables New Zealand Incorporated signed up and working with the Ministry for Primary Industries and other industry partners,” says Mr Guy.
“It means we can work together on managing and responding to the most important biosecurity risks.
“Biosecurity is my number one priority as Minister and as the recentBiosecurity 2025 consultation document outlines, it is a shared responsibility requiring everyone’s input and expertise.”
The signing of the agreement was witnessed by the Associate Minister for Primary Industries, Jo Goodhew, at Parliament today.
Vegetables New Zealand represents all fresh vegetable crops other than potatoes, onions, tomatoes, asparagus, and buttercup squash. It represents over 900 growers who produce over 50 crops with a farm gate value of $390 million per annum.
They join TomatoesNZ, Kiwifruit Vine Health, Pipfruit New Zealand, New Zealand Pork, New Zealand Equine Health Association, Onions New Zealand, the Forestry Owners Association, The New Zealand Avocado Growers’ Association, New Zealand Citrus Growers Incorporated and the Ministry for Primary Industries under GIA.

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