Early ratification helpful for NZ business
Early ratification helpful for NZ business
Government’s early ratification of the Paris Agreement on
climate change places New Zealand in a good negotiating
position for future UN decision making, says
New Zealand has now deposited its formal ratification instrument at the United Nations. This guarantees New Zealand a seat at the decision-making table at the next UN climate change talks.
"It will be important that New Zealand has a voice at the negotiating table on the rules that matter to most to us - on agriculture, forestry and carbon markets," said BusinessNZ environment policy manager John Carnegie.
"New Zealand’s emissions profile is different from most other countries, and we would not want to see international rules adopted that overlooked New Zealand’s particular circumstances.
Mr Carnegie said New Zealand being strongly engaged in the global negotiations would help New Zealand businesses understand what actions other countries are taking, reinforcing the need to take action at home.
"Our continuing need is to maintain the competitiveness of New Zealand businesses while meeting our emissions reduction targets."