Have your say on kiwifruit, pipfruit and potato insecticide
FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2016
Have your say on kiwifruit, pipfruit and potato insecticide
Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is seeking your
views on an application to import an insecticide, called
Celsius, to control pests found in kiwifruit, pipfruit and
potato crops.
The applicant, Adria New Zealand
Limited, is looking to import Celsius, which contains the
neonicotinoid thiamethoxam, for use as a selective
insecticide, targeting specific insects that are known to
attack these crops.
Ray McMillan, EPA’s Acting General Manager of the HSNO team says: “Thiamethoxam is already approved for use in New Zealand. However, we are seeking public submissions because new information is now available about its impact on other insects.”
Adria New Zealand Limited want to import Celsius in granule form to be mixed with water.
Public submissions open on Friday 29 July and close at 5pm on Friday 9 September 2016.
• View the application details and information
• Go to the consultation page
What we do: The EPA sets the rules for the use of hazardous substances under the HSNO Act by assessing the environmental and economic risks and benefits to New Zealanders and the environment.