Auckland consultancy secures Varigence partnership
Agile ‘BI for everyone’ as Auckland
consultancy secures Varigence partnership
Newly-formed business intelligence (BI) firm Mettle Consulting, has become the first New Zealand company to secure the rights to the BI accelerator solutions from globally renowned software provider, Varigence.
With its promise of ‘BI for everyone’, Varigence is flexible, affordable and accessible to users of all types, in any business of any kind, and automates and accelerates tasks associated with data integration and analysis. Using Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml), it accelerates the tasks of analysts and IT professionals by automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks, in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS).
Darryl Wolfaardt, managing director of Mettle Consulting, which was established on Auckland’s North Shore in May, says: “Varigence can massively benefit any data-driven organisation, as many face a major challenge of keeping up with the influx of new data.
“We evaluated a number of software packages from a market which demonstrates a high degree of capability, but each are tailored to a specific methodology. Although these methodologies are sound, when using them organisations would normally have to make tweaks and change their ways of working to gain value.”
By contrast, Wolfaardt says the Varigence toolset allows users to work with their own ways of thinking. “It is flexible and infinitely extensible with no continued dependency, unlike some tools in the industry. Biml is to data as Excel is to accounting.”
The major benefits of the Varigence toolset lie in its lead tool BimlStudio, a development environment that transforms the development model by providing a framework and template-driven approach. It is cost-effective, easily integrates into existing teams, and provides scalable efficiencies and improved quality.
Wolfaardt outlines the benefits of BimlStudio as:
Standardisation: BI is democratised with a standard development model and approach.
Agility: The software empowers the integration team to introduce new and varied kinds of data into the BI environment in a proactive and considered way. Less ‘plumbing’, more thinking.
Reverse engineering: A phased approach brings existing software into alignment with standards, ensuring investment protection.
Increased capacity: By getting teams to work smarter, capacity of the individual team members increases.
Improved testing capability: BimlStudio reduces the complexity of building testing scaffolds, with testing performed effectively and relatively easily.
Wolfaardt continues: “Put simply, BimlStudio allows patterns to be distilled into a template and this ‘thinking’ is then passed into an automation tool, leading to an increased level of quality and freeing up resources for more active engagement in solving real problems.
“It empowers agile decision-making for improving, changing and adding packages and logic to a solution, without the fear of unwieldy costs being associated. And the bonus is that BimlStudio works well with existing BI tools, so existing investments are protected.”
Wolfaardt says the Mettle Consulting
team is utilising the Varigence toolset as part of the
overall consultancy service it provides, which focuses on
best practice and recommends the most appropriate frameworks
for specific organisational requirements.