More than 80% of Kiwis rinse their dishes before dishwasher
Media release Embargoed until 1am Thursday 24 September
To rinse or not to
More than 80% of Kiwis rinse their
dishes before putting them in the
Auckland, 24 September 2015 – A recent survey looking at New Zealanders’ dishwashing habits, by consumer Research Company Canstar Blue shows that we’re a nation of “rinsers”, when it comes to the dishes that is.
More than 80% of New Zealanders say that they rinse their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, but if you’re between 30 and 39 years of age that just might be too much effort, as those in their 30s are the age group least likely to do so (75%), says Canstar New Zealand General Manager, Jose George.
“Many of today’s modern dishwashers don’t require you to rinse first so it is interesting that so many Kiwis are taking that extra step to ensure a good clean.”
Just under a third of Kiwis (32%) believe that doing the dishes by hand is quicker and more efficient than using their dishwasher.
“While there are many putting in the elbow grease to get their dishes sparkling, very few Kiwis (12%) can’t even remember the last time they hand washed their dishes.”
More than a third (34%) of New Zealanders only use their dishwashers sporadically to save water and/or energy. Aucklanders are the most conscious of their usage levels with 44% only using the dishwasher when really needed.
Old fashioned, Kiwi Ingenuity
It might be called ‘dishwashing’ liquid but creative Kiwis use it in other areas including the kitchen bench and appliances (59%), the car (37%), the floor (28%) and the bathroom (16%).
In total, 55% of those surveyed say that they use their dishwashing liquid for cleaning things other than dishes. Those aged 60-69 are most likely to find other uses for it (64%).
Possibly the most surprising of all other uses is bubble blowing; Thirty two per cent of women are using it to blow bubbles, compared to just 16% of men. This is most common amongst younger generations, under 49 years, who most likely have children to entertain.
I cooked, you clean
Conflicts over household chores and responsibilities are one of the biggest issues in one fifth of New Zealand households, with Aucklanders the most likely to have a spat over whose turn it is to clean up.
Perhaps these household arguments and divvying of chores are being driven by women inciting the ‘I cooked, you clean’ logic, resulting in men spending an average of 26 minutes a day doing the dishes, while women are spending around 19 minutes, says George.
“Respondents across the nation are spending an average of 23 minutes washing dishes every day, and those in Canterbury are spending almost twice as long in front of the sink with an average of 42 minutes spent washing up.”
That’s where the germs live!
More than one fifth of Kiwis (21%) are changing their washcloth once a day, but the majority (45%) are throwing out the old one once a week.
According to a 2014 survey by the Global Hygiene Council, six out of 10 cloths harbour harmful E.coli bacteria, which can cause stomach upsets and prove fatal to vulnerable people.
Canstar Blue ran two surveys this year for the dishwashing category, one for dishwashing liquid and the other for dishwasher detergent.
For both categories in 2015, Ecostore comes out on top, receiving 5-stars for overall customer satisfaction with their liquid and detergent products.
Ecostore receives a near perfect score from their customers, excelling in effectiveness, environmental friendliness and smell in particular, says George.
“They have a powerful formulation while being kinder to your skin and to our environment. Ecostore use sustainably sourced ingredients wherever possible and their plant-based dish wash liquid is SLS-free and pH balanced which means it is suitable for those with sensitive skin or allergies.”
detergents by region:
Auckland: Aucklanders are most likely to say that conflicts over household responsibilities are of the biggest issues in their household (23%), most likely to believe that doing the dishes by hand is quicker and more effective than using their dishwasher (40%), most likely (equal with Wellington) to rinse their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher (82%) and most likely to use their dishwasher sporadically to save water and/or energy (44%).
Waikato: Those in the Waikato are least likely (equal with Wellington and Canterbury) to not be able to remember the last time they hand washed their dishes (11%), least likely to rinse their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher (77%), least likely (equal with Wellington) to use their dishwasher sporadically to save water and/or energy (27%) and most likely to care about the environment but not be prepared to pay extra for environmentally friendly cleaning products (65%).
Wellington: Wellingtonians are least likely (equal with Waikato and Canterbury) to not be able to remember the last time they handwashed their dishes (11%), most likely (equal with Auckland) to rinse their dishes before putting them in the dishwasher (82%), least likely (equal with Waikato) to use their dishwashers sporadically to save water and/or energy (27%) and least likely to care about the environment but not be prepared to pay extra for environmentally friendly cleaning products (53%).
Canterbury: Cantabrians are least likely (equal with Waikato and Wellington) to not be able to remember the last time they handwashed their dishes (11%).
Otago: Those in Otago are least likely to believe that doing the dishes by hand is quicker and more efficient that using the dishwasher (22%).
Bay of Plenty: Those in the Bay of Plenty are least likely to say that conflicts over household chores are one of the biggest issues in their households (15%) and most likely to not be able to remember the last time they handwashed dishes (15%).
Dishwashing liquid by region:
Auckland: Aucklanders are most likely to have ruined an appliance with dishwashing liquid (6%) and most likely (equal with Waikato) to prefer washing by hand than using a dishwasher (50%).
Waikato: Those in the Waikato are most likely (equal with Auckland) to prefer washing by hand than using a dishwasher (50%).
Wellington: Wellingtonians are least likely (equal with Otago) to use dishwashing liquid for cleaning things other than dishes (52%) and least likely to prefer hand washing to using a dishwasher (41%).
Otago: Those in Otago are least likely to have ruined an appliance with dishwashing liquid (0%) and least likely (equal with Wellington) to use dishwashing liquid for cleaning things other than dishes (52%).
Bay of Plenty: Those in the Bay of Plenty are most likely to use dishwashing liquid for cleaning things other than dishes (63%).
About the survey
Blue commissions respected professional market research
agency Colmar Brunton Australia, to undertake research on
our behalf using SSI NZ panel.
The outcomes reported here are the results from a survey of Kiwis who have bought and used detergent (tablets, liquid / gel or powder) for their dishwasher in the last 6 months. In this case there were 1,206 people surveyed. And of those who have purchased dishwashing liquid to hand wash dishes in the last 3 months. In this case there were 2,092 people surveyed.
*This geographical breakdown outlines exceptions only.