solarcity and Panasonic help cut Kiwi power bills
solarcity and Panasonic help cut Kiwi power bills
Panasonic and solarcity have launched a national smart
energy partnership to make saving money on energy even
easier for Kiwis this winter.
From today, all existing and new solarZero customers will receive a free starter pack of 10 Panasonic LED light bulbs as part of their solar installation.
“This new initiative combines two home energy solutions that can cut power bills and help reduce New Zealand’s carbon footprint. It allows homeowners to experience these benefits in one easy package through solarcity,” says Stewart Fowler, CEO of Panasonic New Zealand.
solarcity is making it possible for New Zealanders to take control of their power bills by installing solar with zero upfront costs. It works closely with its customers to maximise the savings and environmental benefits of going solar.
“Homeowners currently pay 400% more to run a standard light bulb instead of an energy efficient LED bulb that gives the same amount of light,” says Andrew Booth, CEO of solarcity.
“This winter, energy bills across New Zealand are the highest they have ever been and our gift, alongside Panasonic, of 10 LEDs could save families $220 a year, every year, across the 15-year life span of each bulb.”
Lighting represents around 12 per cent of a home’s electricity bill and costs the average household $220 per year. LEDs can last 15 years or more and over their lifetime each LED lightbulb could save $290 compared to a standard bulb.