Celebrating Why Our Region Is Great For Business
Celebrating Why Our Region Is Great For Business
“In every region of the world, local conditions influence what thrives there,” says Business Kapiti Horowhenua Chairman, Mark Ternent. “So for the 2015 Electra Kapiti Horowhenua Business Awards we wanted to celebrate the unique local conditions that make business thrive in our region.”
The 2015 Electra Kapiti Horowhenua Business Awards, the longest running business awards programme in New Zealand, was launched at information evenings in Levin and Kapiti at the end of March.
Business Kapiti Horowhenua Chairman, Mark Ternent says this year’s event will include the usual Excellence and Achievement Awards, along with the hugely popular Customer Choice Awards. But he says the 21st year of the Awards will also feature a brand new Award that recognises and celebrates those businesses that have specific reasons for making the Kapiti Horowhenua region their home.
“We have businesses amongst us that have chosen to base themselves here for specific reasons,” explains Mr Ternent. “Our region offers a number of unique characteristics and advantages that allow certain businesses to thrive here. We want to recognise and celebrate these businesses, and promote our specific regional strengths to other similar businesses who may also find this a fantastic place to call home.”
The new Award, which is being sponsored by Coastlands, has been named the “It’s Great to be Here” Award. “We thought this was an excellent name for the Award as it not only embodies what we’re wanting to celebrate, it’s also the famous Coastlands’ slogan – a classic win:win,” explains Mark Ternent.
Mr Ternent says both local District Councils have been working with business leaders to understand the unique local characteristics that attract businesses to the region and help them to thrive here. “The Economic Development strategies for both Districts are working on telling our local stories, and identifying what it is that makes businesses want to be here,” he explains.
“That’s why we believe the timing is perfect to introduce our new Award,” he says.
So what will the Assessors be looking for from the Award entrants? “We’re going to be interested in the reasons why a business has chosen to base themselves here – what are the unique benefits they feel they receive from being here?” explains Mark Ternent. “We’re also going to ask them to demonstrate the benefits they feel they bring to the region in return, and ask whether they intend to remain here and their plans for growth.”
Richard Mansell from Coastlands Shoppingtown says they’re looking forward to seeing who enters the Award and what each company feels they offer to the region. “We believe the Kapiti Horowhenua region is a special part of the world with many distinctive features that make it a great place to be. We’re excited to be working with the Awards to recognise these local businesses that embody this spirit.”
Mr Ternent says initial interest in the new Award has been promising. “We’ve had a number of very good businesses tell us this new Award will be well worth winning, so we’re expecting some very good entries,” he says.
“Our entry process is now open and is capped at 30 entries, so if you’re interested in entering the Awards, you need to register as soon as you can by going to: www.bkh.org.nz.”
The deadline for completed entries is 5pm, 2 June with winners to be announced at the hugely popular Awards dinner on Friday, 9 October.