Dairying business woman takes top role
Dairying business woman takes top role
Delwyn Knight
has taken the role of general manager of Liberty Genetics
where she is leading a team that’s making headway in the
competitive dairy genetics market.
Although modest about landing the top job, Knight admits that she is one of very few women working in top dairy genetics roles, and she is excited about taking on the position.
“It’s great to be in a position where I can provide value and support to farmers when they are making important farming business decisions,” said Knight.
“I’m really looking forward to working directly with our farming clients, understanding what their needs are and supporting them to get the best results for their herds.”
Knight brings a strong background in farming and rural business to Liberty Genetics, most recently working as customer services manager for CRV Ambreed. Prior to that she was the advertising manager at the Waikato Times managing sales, production and advertising editorial.
Liberty Genetics’ main goal is to grow market share, and Knight sees the relationship between Liberty Genetics and CRV Ambreed as a key factor in achieving in this.
“The brands complement each other well and we should be working closer together to meet each of our clients’ needs,” she said.
Liberty Genetics currently supplies high quality, cost-effective products to the dairy industry. For the past 15 years, it has experienced significant growth in the New Zealand, Australian, North American and South American markets.
Liberty Genetics is part of CRV Holdings, one of the largest bovine genetics companies in the world.
The General Manager reports directly to an independent New Zealand-based Board of Directors.
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