Stonewood Homes Extends All Warranties in New Homes
Stonewood Homes
Media statement
18 July 2014
Stonewood Homes Extends All Warranties in New Homes
One of New Zealand’s leading home builders is doubling its warranty on new builds so customers can have full faith and confidence in its people and products.
Stonewood Homes has been in operation for more than 25 years and Managing Director Brent Metrrick says customers need to know that if the company hasn’t got it right, it will put it right.
“As part of that, we are extending all warranties on all our homes retrospectively to two years. The law requires a 90-day warranty and Stonewood Homes had already extended that to 12-months and now we’re going a step further.”
“This warranty will give all our customers additional assurance of our faith and confidence in our company, people and products and our commitment to get it right.”
Brent Mettrick established the company in 1987 and remains the owner and Managing Director and has taken personal responsibility to manage the current issues being raised. The warranty claims are a small percentage of the overall number of new builds but each and every one is being taken seriously.
“Like many companies, we’ve experienced significant and rapid growth particularly in the Christchurch market since the earthquakes. Some issues have been identified with the performance of some subcontractors and with some products. We are responsible for the procurement of subcontractors and materials so it is up to us to identify what needs to be done to get it sorted.”
“The main focus for the moment is on getting it right for all, particularly those that are already stressed with the impacts of the earthquakes on their lives and homes.”
“At this stage the issues appear to be mainly within the greater Christchurch area but there are some isolated cases in other areas that have been raised with us. We know from our years in the business that there will from time to time be challenges and issues with new builds. A home is often someone’s largest asset and is a major project for anyone to undertake and will come with some stress and challenges as you would expect. However, we want to make it as easy as possible for our customers and in some cases we have fallen short.”
“Whilst there has been talk and comment that this is an industry-wide issue, Stonewood is focusing on its business and its performance. As the Managing Director, Founder and Owner I’m personally leading this.”
“I’ve also been meeting with some customers particularly where I believe we haven’t got it right and need to get it sorted as quickly as possible to reduce the stress these customers are going through - not just with their build but with life in Christchurch in general post earthquake.”
“As part of this, I’ve now pulled together a specialist project team to investigate the key issues and to review all our processes and systems. While there is a particular focus on Christchurch, we will be looking at this from a national perspective as well.”
“An independent company with global experience is also in the process of being commissioned to review everything related to contractor and material procurement right through to build performance. We want to learn from this and make sure our customers know that we are going to get it right for them moving forward as well.”
“I’ve also put on an additional six teams to work on warranty remediation across Christchurch. We’re doing the same anywhere that issues are identified.”
Brent Mettrick says the company has also had many calls from happy and satisfied customers.
“We’re going to go back to some of them to identify what it was about their experience with Stonewood Homes people, or a particular subcontractor or product line that made them feel this way to the degree they wanted to get in touch over the past few days to let us know that. Those positive experiences also tell us what we’re doing right.”
“We are also talking with others in the industry and the Registered Master Builders Association to encourage collaboration on industry-wide issues.”
“At Stonewood Homes we say we will give people the home they deserve. Our customers deserve the best. We haven’t always got it right but I’m doing everything I can to deliver on my promise to them.”