ANZ Investments achieves highest rating to date for all three KiwiSaver schemes from Morningstar
Silver rating
for multi-asset class funds
ANZ Investments has received a silver rating for all of the multi-asset class funds in its three KiwiSaver schemes, from one of the leading international investment researchers, Morningstar.
After a 12-month review of ANZ Investments’ funds, Morningstar concluded ‘ANZ Investments’ KiwiSaver schemes continue to set the standard for multi-sector investing in New Zealand…we believe they are among the best KiwiSaver options in New Zealand.’
ANZ Wealth Managing Director, John Body said “this is a fantastic achievement and recognises the experience and disciplined processes of our investment management
business. Whether investors chose a conservative, balanced or a growth fund, ANZ Investments funds have a silver rating, ranking them among the best in the country.”
Until this year, bronze was the highest rating achieved by multi-asset class funds in a KiwiSaver scheme.
Commenting on the review, Morningstar also stated “We consider the firm's knowledge and stable team and the time-tested and repeatable investment process to be truly competitive advantages. We believe these will continue to add value and provide thefoundations for healthy future performance.”
ANZ Investments is New Zealand’s largest KiwiSaver provider in terms of members and funds under management, with more than 585,000 members and $4.8 billion in FUM.
”Along with delivering a strong track record of investment performance we’re making it easier for people to understand how KiwiSaver can help them live more comfortably in retirement with tools like the ANZ FutureWise website.”
ANZ Investments has a gold star rating from Morningstar for its single-asset class, International Share Fund in the OneAnswer KiwiSaver scheme.