5 Things You Need To Know Today!

Published: Thu 5 Dec 2013 01:02 PM
5 Things You Need To Know Today!
By The Main Report Editors
Welcome to EXECUTIVE FOCUS for 05 - December - 2013. Below you will find today's top five stories containing valuable content and daily talking points.
Big Business Responsible For Most Emissions
The climate crisis of the 21st century has been caused largely by just 90 companies, which between them produced nearly two-thirds of the greenhouse gas emissions generated since the dawning of the industrial age. The Climate Accountability Institute in Colorado says the companies range from investor-owned firms – household names such as Chevron, Exxon and BP – to state-owned and Govt-run firms.The vast majority of the firms are in the business of producing oil, gas or coal. Half of the estimated emissions were produced just in the past 25 years.
Weight Loss Goes Hi-Tech
A weight loss chip able to be implanted in a person’s arm by a GP is being developed by scientists. The genetic chip would constantly check for fat in the blood and, when someone has eaten too much, release a hormone which sates hunger. In tests on mice, an early version of the device led to obese creatures eating less fatty food and shedding weight.The chip stops releasing the diet drug when the carrier reaches a normal weight. The Swiss researchers hope that within five to ten years they will have a version the size of a coin that can be slipped under the skin of a person’s arm. The chip contains two genes which work together keep appetite in check.
The first constantly monitors fat levels in blood. When they get too high, it tells the second to make the appetite suppressant.
History Is Full Of Coincidences
Here are some fascinating historical coincidences most of us have never heard of, and have no relevance beyond the fact they actually happened.
Better Economy Means More Jobs
The Hays Annual Salary Guide says growing confidence in the economy is boosting employment. It says 46% of employers expecting permanent staff levels to increase. Official figures back the report - employment in NZ increased 1.2% or by 27,000 jobs in the third quarter, the most since early 2007, while the unemployment rate fell from 6.4 to 6.2%.
UK To Install Electric Vehicle Charging Points
The EU has passed a resolution forcing the UK to install a network of 70,000 electric vehicle recharging points as well as hydrogen and natural gas stations by 2020. The European Parliament has endorsed a draft directive aiming to reduce dependence on oil and boost take-up of alternative fuels, so as to help achieve a 60% cut in greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 2050. The draft rules would require member states to set targets for building publicly-available networks of electric vehicle recharging points and refueling stations for other alternative fuels. The UK’s legally binding minimum number of publicly-accessible EV recharging points is currently set at 70,000, behind Germany’s target of 86,000 and Italy’s 72,000.

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