The Metlifecare Annual Meeting of shareholders was held today at The Poynton retirement village in Auckland, where chairman Peter Brown summarised the company’s year of transformation.
To view the full release, click here.
Metlifecare Limited is pleased to advise that all of the following resolutions were passed by way of poll at today’s Annual Meeting.
Rotation and Election of Directors
- Peter Brown
retired as a director by rotation and was re-elected as a
director of Metlifecare Limited;
- Dr Noeline
Whitehead, having been appointed during the year by the
Board, was elected as a director of Metlifecare
2. The amendments to the Company’s constitution, as set out in the Schedule to the Notice of Annual Meeting, were approved.
3. The re-appointment of the Auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers, was recorded and the directors authorised to fix the Auditor’s remuneration for the current year.