"Good on Fonterra"
"Good on Fonterra"
"Fonterra's announcement today to not accept milk from any new landfarms is a great sign that it cares about the safety of its products and the sustainability of NZ's dairy industry."
"The recent expansion of the oil industry due to dangerous new techniques like fracking has destroyed soils, water aquifers and devastated the lives of farmers and rural folk in parts of Australia and the USA. We do not want to see that ever happen here."
"While Fonterra is still facing problems around water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions we congratulate them on taking this step towards a truly clean, green country."
"We now urge beef and lamb farmers as well as worm farmers to follow suit and say no to drilling waste. Consumer awareness and demand for safe and clean products cannot be ignored. There is also growing public support for sustainability, rather than for the damaging fossil fuel industry."