A Broadcast Primer (If Only as a Reminder)
A Broadcast Primer (If Only as a
Andy Beach, Senior Analyst
March 18, 2013 Alex Zambelli (an old friend who recently left Microsoft for iStreamPlanet) recently wrote a piece [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001M6gZyEGd1cyTN6h7gNSHKfsPJ3N9909Cc8Zax_wiC53Am7hnwEL7WMLqvqnp2RP9QrjBQtVqFEN8hpxVDZDOXyrWm01Anvmn9k3_roEmVYIavBJyu3-IF1xYrLt30I8fe86v6KzSGHB_5TmaZ-SKpgbi28yGMEam_K7qJMsNRGhZQGsajRCT3Y_2FVZUvlo4BG7CtNYlkdUui-ug_ZunW-KJJWen-xZ-Y1gSlotIz04=] for the Guardian that nicely outlines the evolution of IP-based video during the past 20 years. It serves as a great reminder of where we came from, where we are today, and some of the hurdles on the near horizon. It's important to put the industry in this type of perspective from time to time, if only to step back from the minutia and remind ourselves just how far we've come in a relatively short period of time, and how much further we have to go.
In this spirit of Alex's article, how about a refresher of the timeline for broadcast TV's evolution? Continue reading [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001M6gZyEGd1cyI-Z7kQaBGGAB6K24r5NIrNoJhXcfbK8PlnSFgjSv9NjpckcIJ8uOq76ToBxUVfRKO4XtkiBN7Fs86QE3E9Y0CopmrqXR7v7L8kBS6WqztQnE8UIZNhvb1pVLCDZHmgkuIL17Zah75vHHFB3j3AN4jM-YHDllGQ2I=]