Women in Business Award 2013
Women in Business Award 2013
Since 1999 the Zonta Club of Christchurch-Canterbury has
assisted many business women to develop their business with
a cash award.
One award of $5,000 is made each year and the money is raised by club members through various fundraising efforts and donations.
For many women the greatest hurdle to overcome is obtaining funding to further develop their business plans. Our club sees the Women in Business Award as a practical way to help women achieve their goals.
Applicants must have had their own business for a minimum of two years and a maximum of five years.
Applicants submit their business plan to their peers and those short listed attend a rigorous interview. Each year the chosen recipient is presented with the award at a public function.
This year we are fortunate to have the support of Westpac, in particular their Business Banking team, giving a huge boost to Zonta and the business women of Canterbury. The award presentation will be held at the Westpac Hub on Tuesday, 26 March 2013.
Canterbury women are invited to contact the Award Convenor by email: ZontaWomeninBusinessAward@gmail.com or phone 0276 838 223.
• Zonta International is a global service organisation of business and professional women, working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy.