Disgust at Pike River verdict
Press release 27 Oct 12
Pike River verdict
Zealand Institute of Hazardous Substance Management
The NZ Institute of Hazardous Substance Management Inc as the Professional Association of Hazardous substance certifiers, designers and enforcers has expressed surprise at the low fine of $46,800 against the drilling company Valley Longwall International (VLI) who lost 3 young miners in the Pike river explosion.
It was alleged that the VLI drill rig was operating without electrical inspections and without the ‘explosive gas’ detectors being fully functional or calibrated.
The NZIHSM President John Hickey stated that this apparently consistent disregard for safety in a known hazardous environment is sad for all New Zealanders and their families.
Perhaps worse is the low fine for 3 avoidable deaths at $15600 per young life could infer that “Death is cheaper than Deterrence” in New Zealand, which we believe is wrong.