New Chair for NZ Airports Association
6 July
New Chair for NZ Airports
The New Zealand Airports
Association has a new Chair.
Jim Boult, the Chief
Executive of Christchurch International Airport, has been
appointed to the role. His tenure will commence on 1 August
2012 for the next 16 months.
Mr Boult says airports are
facing a number of important challenges.
“On top of the rapid technological change at airports there are dramatic shifts in world travel trends, due to the steady growth in Asian economies and the potential numbers of travellers to this part of the world. The changing age profile of travellers is also resulting in many more older people who will have the time and resource to travel. The world’s airports are adapting to these changes,” he said.
Mr Boult said New Zealand airports will play a vigorous part in providing the best possible passenger experience and work with airline partners to grow visitor arrivals into our fantastic country. He noted the important role of airports in enabling critical air links, facilitating aviation businesses and bringing growth to regional economies.
The current chair, Auckland International Airport Chief Executive, Simon Moutter is standing down due to his appointment as the new Chief Executive of Telecom. Tribute was paid to Mr Moutter’s outstanding contribution to the airport sector at the recent NZ Airports mid-winter Parliamentary reception
Mr Boult has been in his Christchurch Airport role since February 2009 and was a crown appointee to the CIAL board for six years before that. In 2010 he was named ‘Airport Personality of the Year’ by the NZ Airports Association. In 2011, CIAL was awarded the Jim Collins Award for an Outstanding Contribution to Aviation Safety, recognising CIAL’s actions before and after the Canterbury earthquakes.
He is a former Director and Deputy Chairman of Tourism New Zealand and has been Director, Managing Director and Chairman of several substantial public and private companies. For 16 years, he was the Managing Director of Shotover Jet, which offers one of New Zealand’s most famous tourism experiences. In his home town of Queenstown, he is active in a number of charities, council-sponsored working parties and community groups.
NZ Airports Chief Executive, Kevin Ward said airports welcome Jim’s appointment.
“The Airports Association has benefited tremendously from the strong leadership of its chairs and Jim’s appointment will ensure this continues” said Mr Ward.
NZ Airports is the industry association for New Zealand’s airports and related businesses. It is a not-for-profit organisation whose members operate 33 airports that span the country and enable the essential air transport links between each region of New Zealand and between New Zealand and the world.