FYX Launches New Global Open Access Internet Service
FYX Launches New Global Open Access Internet Service
New Zealanders eager to get access to global digital services can now get them fast and seamlessly with FYX (pronounced ‘fix’), the nation’s newest internet service provider.
For just $34.34/month and 34 cents per Gigabyte, FYX offers customers “global mode” which will enables access to their own streaming content and other internet services.
“It’s about offering a much bigger internet to New Zealanders – the type of internet the rest of the world have had access to for years,” says Chief Internet FYX-er Andrew Schick.
FYX is a sub-brand of Maxnet, a high speed internet and high availability data centre services provider headquartered in Albany, Auckland.
“Both Maxnet and FYX will offer fast and
reliable internet speeds for power internet users, says
Maxnet CEO John Hanna. ”The difference is that FYX will
enable residential users to access larger, global content,
while Maxnet will continue to concentrate on its business
customers and partners, offering mission-critical
connectivity, hosting, online back-up and end-to-end
virtualisation services”.
FYX was quietly born on
May the 4th, 2012. New Zealanders wanting to sign-up to FYX
can go to www.fyx.co.nz.