Directors Appointed to Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited
Media release from Te Ohu Kaimoana (Maori Fisheries Trust)
Directors Appointed to Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited
Mr Ken Mair, an experienced director, was today appointed by Te Kawai Taumata (the Electoral College) as a director of Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited.
Te Kawai Taumata also reappointed Mr Sonny Tau, the Chairman of Ngapuhi, New Zealand’s largest iwi and who serves as the current Deputy Chairman.
Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited is the corporate trustee for Te Ohu Kai Moana, the Maori Fisheries Settlement Trust and the Takutai Trust – the Maori Commercial Aquaculture Settlement Trust. Directors are appointed to four-year terms.
Ken Mair is an experienced director, having a number of other board appointments with Maori businesses, trusts and organisations. Mr Mair has experience in negotiating and resolving complex and dynamic conflict situations, and has worked as a facilitator for Te Ohu Kaimoana in the area of resolving issues over coastline agreements for the distribution of inshore fishing assets.
The Chair of Te Kawai Taumata, Naida Glavish, a former Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commissioner, said the appointments process benefitted from the strength of the candidates who put their names forward, and she thanked them for doing so.
“The value of the Maori Commercial Fisheries Settlement can only be maintained through having board members with sound governance experience and business acumen. In considering those who put their names forward, it is reassuring to know there are competent and experienced Maori available to help protect and grow our fisheries investment,” Ms Glavish said.
The sole function of Te Kawai Taumata is to appoint and remove the directors of Te Ohu Kai Moana Trustee Limited. It is made up of 11 members appointed by 10 regional groupings of iwi and one member on behalf of Representative Maori Organisations.
Te Kawai Taumata Members are: Naida Glavish (Chairman) representing Taitokerau; Na Raihania (Deputy Chairman) Takitimu; Graeme Morrell, Ngapuhi; Chris McKenzie, Tainui; Willie Emery, Te Arawa Waka; Tamati Cairns, Mataatua; Api Mahuika, Porourangi; Sam Tamarapa, Hauauru; Ngarongo Iwikatea Nicholson, Te Moana o Raukawa; Maui Solomon, Waipounamu/Rekohu; Sharyn Watene, Representative Maori.