ExportNZ welcomes Japan’s Participation in TPP
13 November 2011
ExportNZ welcomes Japan’s
Participation in TPP
ExportNZ welcome’s the decision by the Japanese Government to participate in the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiation.
“This is a bold move by the Japanese Government as TPP is going to be a high standard agreement. This is going to mean that Japan will be opening its highly protected agriculture and services market to competition from the other TPP economies,” said Catherine Beard, Executive Director of ExportNZ.
“Japan is the world’s third largest economy but has been essentially treading water since the early 1990s. Reform of the type that will be essential for participation in the TPP outcome is just what the Japanese economy needs to begin growing again.”
is a major market for New Zealand. It is heavily protected
in the agriculture area. TPP membership is going to be
extremely good news for New Zealand agricultural exporters.
“ExportNZ congratulates Minister Groser and the MFAT
team for the work that they have done in securing this
excellent outcome for New Zealand,” Catherine Beard