5 Magnets to Attract Clients
5 Magnets to Attract Clients
By Hannah du Plessis
Chances are you know things that others would like to learn. If you get that information out of your head and onto your website, it will give you a great magnet to attract leads to your website and help give you power by positioning you as an expert in your niche.
What is a magnet? It is any valuable information or object you can provide to your prospects in exchange for their contact information. This will allow you to develop a relationship with them. Here are 5 ideas to get you started:
1: Free Reports, White Papers and E-Books
A free
report is an excellent and easy way to share what you know
and show your expertise in the field. Identify a topic that
you have experience of and which your audience will find
interesting. Then write what you know. You can also create
online polls and share your findings in the report. Once
you’ve started writing and have your report ready, the
next natural step is to write an e-book. It is not easy, but
it is worth it. You may even want to think about having the
e-book printed to give away at events.
Magnet 2:
Product Demonstrations
If you’re selling a product
you can demo online, include a link to it on your website. A
demonstration is very convincing because it lets people
experience how your product works instead of reading about
Magnet 3: Product Samples
If a demo
doesn’t work for your product you can still provide your
prospective clients with a sample of your product. For
example, visitors to the Reading A-Z website gives sample
lesson plans to teachers. This is a powerful magnet because
language teachers are always looking for reading material
for their students. Think about how you can break off a
little taste of your product or service and offer it as a
Magnet 4: Webinars
Webinars are an
excellent way to establish leadership and attract new leads.
Select a topic that people are interested in, then make a
presentation full of useful tips and valuable information.
In the beginning you can interview a customer or industry
expert. Make sure that your presentation looks professional.
You can post your webinar to slideshare or YouTube and to your
Magnet 5: Activate a Free Trial
trials are appealing to clients for many reasons. For one, a
free trial is a way to get something done in a short period
of time. Clients also like the opportunity to put your
product and your service to the test before opening up their
During the free trial period, send out an automated follow-up sequence that will encourage usage and answer any questions your prospects may have. You can send out videos or emails loaded with “tips and tricks” to help your trial users use it successfully. The more successful they are during this period, the better the chance they will convert to a paid service.
Remember, with a magnet you are getting your prospective clients to “raise their hands” saying: “Yes, I am interested in knowing more about this topic.” Your objective is only that. It is not to try and sell them anything else.
For more magnets to attract prospective clients, sign up at Attraction Marketing for your free copy of “10 Magnets to attract clients.”