Transmission Tomorrow
IET Prestige Event: Transmission Tommorrow - Auckland
University School oF Engineering 3401/403-401 Thursday July
21st 6-8pm
Transmission Tomorrow is a look forward at how the National Grid will be developed and operated over the next 20 to 30 years and beyond and what this means for the transmission service. As the owner and operator of the grid, Transpower must plan its development to meet the needs of individual users - generators and commercial, residential and rural consumers - and the economy as a whole. Rather than build more lines to deal with increasing demand, Transmission Tomorrow focuses on strategies and technologies that get more out of the existing transmission and electricity system.
Dr Patrick Strange holds a PhD in engineering and has held a number of senior executive roles in the energy sector in both the United States and New Zealand including Chief Executive of Vector Limited between 1998 and 2003 and directorships of Contact Energy Limited and Mighty River Power. Patrick was instrumental in leading the 2003 Winter Power Taskforce established by the Government and the electricity industry. He was appointed Chief Executive of Transpower in November 2007
John Clarke was appointed General Manager Grid Development in 2008, following ten years with the Transpower System Operator. He is a professional electrical engineer and has had a varied career within the electricity sector including numerous senior management roles with Transpower. His role with the System Operator included responsibility for grid operating security planning, as well as leading operational management initiatives of tight supply situations on the grid. He is also a member of the National Winter Group.
Chair IET Auckland Branch/IET NZ Forum