Reserve Bank Bulletin released
Reserve Bank Bulletin released
The Reserve Bank today released the March 2011 issue of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin (
This first issue of the year explores the kind of economic and financial challenges New Zealand has faced in recent years. The lead article outlines a framework for analysing movements in government bond interest rates, concluding with a brief analysis of what those changes could mean for the countries in question, and ultimately for New Zealand
The second article turns the spotlight on a recent research conference held at the Reserve Bank with a focus on the transmission of economic and financial shocks from one country to another. This is particularly relevant given the synchronised nature of the recent international recession.
Article three updates the Reserve Bank’s work towards improving the range and quality of statistical data on the debt securities market in New Zealand. The recent global economic upheaval highlighted the need for better data on this market, both here and abroad.
The Bulletin is rounded off with the Bank’s submission to the Government-appointed Savings Working Group and Governor Alan Bollard’s January speech to the Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce.