EUFA makes submission to Australia Parliament
EUFA makes submission to Australia Parliament
In association with the relationship between EUFA and the Australian ‘Banking and finance consumers Support Association (inc)’ EUFA have today submitted a 20 page submission to the Australian Senate Standing Committee on Economics.
The submission pertains largely to the issues associated with the BlueChip scam and the Bank and non banks lenders relationship with BlueChip NZ. The lenders are all registered with the ASIC, the body equivalent to the NZ Securities commission.
EUFA’ BlueChip assistant co-ordinator, Ron Jensen, who sent in the submission on behalf of EUFA said today;
“The Bartle case gave the wrong message. It was one case using only one set of documents. When you put all the documents together you get a hugely different picture of what actually went on in those’s sad that the judges just didn’t get it”
The senate committee was also alerted to the fact that BlueChip had a name change and moved its operations to Australia. Minister of Justice and commerce and other members of parliament will also receive a copy of their submission.
EUFA finance Spokesman Gray Eatwell said from Southland today
“It will certainly make interesting reading for the public who may now realise what actually occurred. The victims’ efforts in the report, demonstrating what occurred, in my view puts the Liquidators and the Authorities reporting efforts to shame.”