In a world of generic websites, bespoke solutions often a better deal
By Peter Kerr for sticK
(sticK - 26 Jan. 2011 ) In a world where you can pick and pluck generic pieces up from the internet and other places to produce your website - often for free - there's increasingly a place for a bespoke web solution.
Ironically, such a tailor-made result can be cheaper, iteratively produced towards a final product, rather than being prescribed at the beginning of how it will look/feel/be.
This realisation by 10-year old Wellington web solutions company 3Months has seen it change tack, so much so that "we've essentially walked away from content management systems," says its client relationship manager, Nick Rowney.
For sticK – science, technology, innovation & commercialisation KNOWLEDGE - is a new Wellington based news service concentrating on following the money from ideas to income. Contact editor Peter Kerr at peter.kerr055 @