Staff take action against less than perfect banks
NZ staff take action against less than perfect bank
Staff across ANZ and National banks are holding a day of action today in response to proposals by the bank to drive down wages, for failing to address customer debt targets and refusing to rule out further job offshoring.
Bank staff have launched a public campaign the parodies the banks ‘In a perfect world’ advertising campaign by pointing out that the bank itself is less than perfect. Campaign resources can be found at the Finsec website
The campaign was launched after Finsec members rejected proposals from the bank that would have seen new staff employed on lower pay than current staff and no resolution on issues of targets and offshoring.
“ANZ National is a far from perfect bank. Their record of slashing pay and conditions, sending hundreds of jobs offshore and creaming profits from here to return them to Australia puts them at odd with their public claim they live in our world,” said Finsec Campaigns Director Andrew Campbell.
“ANZ’s attitude is the problem. It sees its staff and customers only as units to make profit. Their claim they live in our world rings false when they can’t resolve the real-world issues their staff face,” said Campbell.
“If the bank lived in their employees’ world then a fair pay offer with commitments to keep jobs in New Zealand and changes to the requirements to meet certain debt targets would be viewed as the reasonable request it is.”
“Today’s action sends a message to the bank that they should front up to negotiations next week with a fairer offer. The bank can do better by its staff and customers and should do so,” said Campbell.