Energy Star TVs Have the Power to Reduce Bills
Energy Star TVs Have the Power to Reduce Energy Bills
New Zealand households will find it easier to save money on energy bills and still enjoy the latest technology in televisions, with the launch of a new energy efficiency benchmark under the global ENERGY STAR® mark, says Mike Underhill, Chief Executive of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).
“The total amount of energy used by televisions in New Zealand homes is growing and there is a great variation in the energy consumption between TVs.
“Many of us would be surprised to find out that we could be looking at two televisions of similar size and price, yet one uses double the energy of the other.”
“Buying an ENERGY STAR qualified television ensures you have one of the most energy efficient models available, without compromising on features and performance”
The ENERGY STAR criteria for televisions are designed so that only the top 25% of energy efficient TVs can qualify for the mark. Challenging energy consumption levels are set for both ‘on’ and ‘standby’ modes. The TV must also be delivered to customers with the most efficient viewing settings as the default to help ensure potential savings are achieved. The specifications are regularly revised keeping pace with changes in technology.
“Being energy efficient around your home is not about giving things up, it’s about choosing and then using, all our appliances wisely,” says Mr Underhill.
“With the latest ENERGY STAR specifications for televisions we’ve raised the bar that manufacturers must meet in order to carry this ‘top of class’ energy efficiency mark.
“I am heartened at the positive response of major manufacturers to the voluntary ENERGY STAR programme. Current ENERGY STAR television partners include Sony, Samsung, LG and Sharp.
“ENERGY STAR is a win-win for all. It provides manufacturers with a point of difference in their marketing, helps customers save money on ongoing running costs and using less energy is good for the environment too” says Mr Underhill.