Nelson to host Seafood Industry leaders
Nelson to host Seafood Industry leaders
Annual Seafood Processing and Preservation Workshop to be
held in Nelson, March 16th
NELSON February, Nelson is set to play host to some of Australasia’s top seafood research scientists and industry leaders next week as the venue for Plant & Food Research’s 6th Annual Seafood Processing and Preservation Workshop. The specialist one day event will feature Australian and New Zealand experts speaking on a range of topics, including seafood safety, quality assessment, novel processing technologies and chilled seafood preservation.
“This event aims to share the latest research developments and updates from industry experts about the most important current issues affecting the seafood industry,” says Plant & Food Research Business Development Manager and event organiser, Mr TC Chadderton. “Innovation plays an important part in maintaining New Zealand’s premium status within world markets, and this workshop shares the latest innovations with the industry for the benefit of us all.”
The seafood industry makes a vital contribution to New Zealand's economy, with exports of more than $1.4 billion in 2009. Fish form an important part of the New Zealand diet, with nearly all New Zealanders eating fish at least once a month and almost half of us eating fish at least once a week. As a country, New Zealand controls the fourth largest Exclusive Economic Zone in the world, with marine fisheries waters around 24 times larger than our land area.
“Seafood and aquaculture are key areas for Plant & Food Research” according to Plant & Food Research CEO, Peter Landon-Lane. “We’re excited by the potential growth that new science and research looks to be able to offer the seafood industry, and are keen to be a part of it.”
In addition to its Seafood Research
Unit on Nelson’s Wakefield Quay, Plant & Food Research
also recently opened a Bioprocessing Laboratory in Stoke,
and is a partner in the proposed Horoirangi Centre for
Seafood and Aquaculture Innovation.