Hiring Flurry as Headcount Freezes Thaw
Hiring Flurry as Headcount Freezes
18th February
Robert Walters, one of the world’s leading international recruitment businesses, publishes its annual Global Salary Survey this week. The survey, generally regarded as the most comprehensive of its type in the world, is now in its eleventh year. It provides an in-depth analysis of salaries earned around the world by both permanent and contract workers across a wide range of sectors: accounting, finance, banking, information technology, human resources, legal & compliance, sales & marketing, secretarial & support, engineering & operations, general management and supply chain & procurement. Salary figures are based on the thousands of placements made by Robert Walters’ recruitment staff throughout the year, while additional market insights are provided by teams and managers specialising in each sector, to give added insight into past and future trends in local candidate markets.
Robert Walters Global Salary Survey: http://img.scoop.co.nz/media/pdfs/1002/NewZealand_Salary_Survey_2010.pdf