Submission to the 2025 Taskforce
Submission to the 2025 Taskforce
Improving Productivity and Closing the Gap With Australia by 2025
The Independent Business Foundation represents the interests of the New Zealand Small to Medium Enterprise sector and provides a forum for informed debate and interaction at its annual Small Business Summit. Our Board of Trustees is made up of recognised business, professional and academic persons familiar with the nature and aspirations of SMEs and the factors influencing their operational environment. We welcome the opportunity to submit our views, which are based on available research based data and our own observations. In doing so, we confine ourselves to the specific questions stated in the Task Force’s invitation.
What is holding New Zealand back?
By comparison with other OECD countries, our business spread covers a largely small enterprise identifiable constituency made up of two-thirds by home-based and non-employing entities. The next numerically strong grouping consists of companies employing less than 6 and is comprised mostly of growth disinclined owners motivated largely by personal objectives. For want of a fitting term, we refer to them as Life Stylers. Of greater significance, but represented by only 5,000 units, are enterprises with staff numbering between 10 and 20 which can be considered to be innovative and growth orientated. The NZ Stock Exchange listed corporate sector amounts to 150 companies against 2,000 listings in Australia. This presents a challenge in respect of depriving us of an essential source of grooming in management skills, which also accounts for the continuous loss of emerging talent in search of management development opportunities that are not available in small firms.
Lacking a strong corporate
presence and support structure and dependence, with few
exceptions on the domestic market, the relatively small
employing section has little incentives, beyond its
owners’ personal objectives to embrace productivity for
its own sake. Overall, New Zealand is lacking in a
sufficient number of good examples to encourage increases in
output and exports to create a slipstream to entice others
to follow suit. Innovative growth companies invariably
become the target of foreign acquisition or at their own
volition relocate to destinations closer to their markets or
outsource their manufacturing to countries providing cost
and competency advantages.
These benefits invariable are
the result of productivity gains that are difficult to
achieve at home.
Specific Barriers to
By and large small companies are
owned and managed by individuals and families with trade
skilled members or second career operators, with a
substantial percentage in the 40 plus age bracket. The
majority are in real terms management incapable and
resistant to external influences.
A disinclination
to avail themselves of available facilitation and
professional advice is a major contributor to stymied
productivity. In global terms under funded and poorly
resourced they are at a distinct competitive disadvantage in
respect of regularly achieving cost efficient qualitative
Lacking formal business skills training and unfamiliar with the effective application of technology they fail to take advantage of Organisation and Methods principles in running their operations. Lack of quality systemisation contributes significantly to internal inefficiencies that result in poor quality, wastage and lack of control that defeat many attempts to raise productivity.
The most noticeable causes are poor HR practices. Recent industry surveys have revealed that two-thirds of the New Zealand work force are effectively disengaged, with only 12% stating a commitment to the employing company. This is of real worry as it is reflected in attitudinal behaviour that is counter-productive and unlikely to be resolved without external stimuli. Living by the example of their superiors, whose behaviour in terms of self-serving use of time, facilities and resources, staff can be excused for living by standards of performance that reflect their level of training and remuneration. Examples are taking all available special leave regardless of circumstance, using business property for own advantage and participating in social networks while at work. Societal behaviour of instant gratification may account for the unscheduled application of funds on non-productive, non-essential status symbols. In the absence of essential in-service and augmented off-site training of principals and staff with recourse to expert advice and facilitation such companies are unable to stay abreast of and take advantage of productivity enhancing new developments in their respective industries to their own detriment and the country on the whole. Further examples of underachievement and their causes can be found in the just released text by David Irving entitled “Changing Gears” with extracts quoted in the attached NZ Herald Business article by Gill South.
What should the Government do about it?
are very conscious of an attitude prevailing particularly in
the small business community that welcomes Government
assistance, particularly with financial incentives, provided
it comes without any strings attached that could be
construed as a form of statutory supervision. The very
nature of public funding demands accountability that serves
as a disincentive to participate in programmes that entail
some form of official scrutiny and is reflected in the low
level uptake of past and present schemes designed to lift
business performance and with it results in increased
productivity. In our opinion it requires a paradigm shift
to change the prevailing culture of business under
Based on our observations in Australia, we
would like to make the following
1. Achieving management
The value of tertiary education in
preparation for a successful business career cannot be over
estimated. We have no shortage of providers and courses to
meet our immediate needs. Where we are wanting is in
respect of cadetships in large organisations that have
formal structures in place to further develop academic
knowledge into practical application. SMEs lack this
ability and are ineffective in grooming young graduates to
stardom, whereas we lack the required number of places in a
small domestic corporate pool to make much headway in this
regard. Sending interns overseas for induction will result
in their long-term or permanent loss to the local economy.
Our solution, base on successful Australian examples is to provide business incubators attached to every tertiary institute providing management education with links to selected companies with the ability to accommodate interns with elements of financial assistance in preparation for further career development on the open market. This can be achieved with extensions to the student loan schemes or direct training subsidies to the participating company.
2. Vocational skills
Again, following Australian example,
we see room in our industry specific apprenticeship training
for business skills to equip the trade capable candidate
with management and/or business ownership aspirations. We
base this on the makeup of our productive industry, trade
and service providers, who form the nucleus of our employing
small businesses.
We are aware that several Industry Training Organisations are already paying attention to business skills training, but would like to recommend that this become standard practice in all vocational education. Productivity is the outcome of an understanding and appreciation of the contributing processes that take advantage of best practice principles in an orderly sequence at minimal cost. To achieve this, business participants need to have an understanding of the key disciplines involved in every production step, including the skill sets involved and the financial implications. Enlarging the technical syllabus to this extent will ensure heightened productivity awareness.
3. Quality
The ISO regime is a tested method of
quality management and in a reduced New Zealand developed
format, known as QBase, is ideally suited for small business
application. In spite of its availability little effort has
been made to convert SMEs en masse to quality management as
a means of raising productivity. While skeptics maintain
that adherence to it will not guarantee product quality as a
direct outcome, but only the integrity of the process, it
stands to reason that productivity will be enhanced by
adherence to documented procedures that ensure a logical
sequence and uniformity in manufacture or service
We believe that productivity gains will result with the wider adoption and application of ISO and QBase with a mandatory requirement for firms applying for public sector incentives and assistance. We can also see merit in an introductory paper on this subject in tertiary business education courses.
4. Business Advice and
While there is no shortage of free
or low cost advice and assistance in the form of a user
friendly Government portal, seminars and short courses
provided by Economic Development Agencies and volunteer
Mentors, evidence suggests an insufficient recourse by a
majority of most affected SMEs. A major issue that was
raised at the 2nd Small Business Summit organised this year
by the Independent Business Fo0undation concerned the
relative ease of starting a business in New Zealand, which
may be one of the reasons for low growth and
We are aware that several European countries with much better productivity records require business start-up to be preceded by proof of competency to deal with the operational and compliance aspects before a licence to trade is granted. We subscribe to the view that greater attention needs to be paid to management competency in the conduct of a business from the outset to ensure greater certainty of success and financial return to the people employed in it. Raising the bar may serve as deterrent to the less capable, but will encourage productivity as a means to achieve higher output, income and parity with better placed OECD economies.
How much difference could it make?
What we are recommending may
sound like small incremental steps. However, in terms of a
realistic appraisal of the prevailing business culture, what
we are suggesting are relatively low cost measures that
require political will to return New Zealand to its former
position, not only in relation to Australia, but with a
higher OECD ranking. We cannot guarantee achieving full
parity with our nearest neighbor in every respect, but
believe that in spite of our special SME predominant nature
there is no reason why we cannot close the personal income
gap. We have no shortage of well qualified people, but lack
the environment to provide them with meaningful and
productive employment from the outset that challenges their
initiative and actively engages them with their chosen
employers. In this respect our HR practices in the SME
environment require special attention, bearing in mind that
employers of choice have a first call on the most promising
talent. Unless we get to grips with staff engagement, we
will continue to surrender our most needed human resource to
better prospects overseas and productivity will suffer as a
This is particularly important where recent
graduates are concerned, who are not given the opportunity
to apply their applied learning in productive workplaces or
in a worst case scenario, deprive them of opportunities in
Small to Medium Enterprises, where there is still a
noticeable lack of appreciation of the value of academic
knowledge looking for an outlet. Conversely, much has to be
done to lift the image of this sector in the perception of
graduates. Having Government ministers using every
opportunity to emphasise the importance of SMEs to the New
Zealand economy will help to build a better profile in
public perception.
Publication of our Submission on the Taskforce website?
We have no objection to being quoted. Placing submissions on public view will encourage informed debate and invite further comments that will enhance the chances of constructive dialogue to arrive at solutions that are feasible, practical and receive committed endorsement leading up to implementation.