The Biggest Story Ever Censored?
The Biggest Story Ever Censored?
Has the "Swine Flu" mutated - or has some new, more serious viral disease been released? Why has the media not reported on the massive outbreak of a strange new and haemorrhagic "flu" in the Ukraine which has infected a million people virtually overnight and has thus far reportedly killed thousands of people?
Why have we not been told about the warning in August by Israeli microbiologist Moshe bar-Joseph that Baxter Int'l, the vaccine manufacturer, was going to release a "bio-weapon" in the Ukraine?
After he called into a US radio station with his warning he was tear gassed, tasered and deported to Israel, where his fate is unknown.
Why is the media so strangely silent on the "de-population agenda" that's been pushed by the Power Elite for 40 years and looks as though it may be coming into play right now? What is the real story behind the massive numbers of coffins being stockpiled around the world, mostly in plain sight?
What is the REAL STORY about vaccines, and are they part of the "de-pop agenda" rather than the protection against disease?
And who, finally, is Barack Obama, and who is he REALLY working for? Is he a man of peace, having won the Nobel Peace Prize, or is he something entirely different?
The new issue of UNCENSORED tackles this and many?other major stories that have been CENSORED from mainstream media.
Stories you owe it to yourself to read and think about.
Stories of suppressed science and technology; cures for serious illness; inventions, nutrition, politics, history and archaeology all are discussed intelligently (and readably) in what may well be the most interesting magazine in the world today.
This issue of UNCENSORED is the most important issue we have ever published. Indeed, it may be the most important magazine you will ever read.
The December issue of UNCENSORED is on sale at newsagents throughout New Zealand and Australia from December 1, 2009.