Auckland Airport appoints new Directors
Auckland International Airport Limited
Market Release | 4 September 2009
Auckland Airport appoints new Directors
Tony Frankham, the chairman of Auckland International Airport Limited (Auckland Airport), announced today that the board has appointed Sir Henry van der Heyden and James Miller as non-executive directors of the Company.
Sir Henry is chairman of the board of Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited and a number of other companies. James Miller is a director of Vector Limited and is an executive director at Craigs Investment Partners Limited. Auckland Airport’s directors consider Sir Henry and Mr Miller to be independent directors.
Mr Frankham said that the board unanimously supported the appointment of the new directors and considered they would make valuable contributions to the Auckland Airport board. These appointments will be put to shareholders for confirmation by way of election at the annual meeting to be held on 29 October 2009.
Mr Frankham also announced that the board has approved Mr Lloyd Morrison’s appointment of Mr Marko Bogoievski as his alternate as a director on the board during Mr Morrison’s medical leave of absence, subject to Mr Bogoievski obtaining an exemption from the Commerce Commission under the Electricity Industry Reform Act. The requirement for an exemption arises because Mr Bogoievski is also a director of TrustPower Limited. The same issue arose when Mr Morrison was first elected and an exemption was obtained at that time. Mr Morrison is making good progress with his recovery from his illness and expects to be back contributing to the board later in the year.
Mr Bogoievski is the Chief Executive Officer of Morrison & Co and Infratil Limited. The Directors do not consider Mr Bogoievski to be an independent director.