No Easy Answer For ETS On Agriculture
No Easy Answer For ETS On Agriculture
DairyNZ says the Select Committee report on the Emissions Trading Scheme reinforces just how difficult it is going to be to reduce New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions while at the same time ensuring the country’s most important export industry is not unfairly handicapped.
DairyNZ Chief Executive Dr Tim Mackle says he’s pleased the Committee has given detailed consideration to issues affecting agriculture. “This is evidence of the challenges that are facing us. Right now no silver bullet exists for us to reduce agricultural emissions. We’re disappointed the report recommends the inclusion of agriculture in the scheme before dairy farmers – or any other farmers for that matter – have the tools available to actually do something which will reduce emissions.
“That said, we welcome the Committee’s recommendation that the Government makes significant on-going investment to reduce agricultural emissions and improve efficiency in pastoral systems.
Dr Mackle says DairyNZ argued that the point of obligation for agriculture should be at the farm level, and he’s pleased to see that recommendation has been adopted, as well as a call for high priority to be given to research into estimation and monitoring systems for emissions at this level. He says DairyNZ is already investing a significant amount of money with partners such as the Pastoral Greenhouse Gas Research Consortium into research on mitigation options.
“It really is a case of the devil being in the detail, and we will be working with Government to ensure the interests of dairy farmers – and therefore the interests of the New Zealand economy – continue to be taken into consideration in the formation of a fair and equitable ETS.”