Providing CER credits to the NZETS
Press Release: EITG (Environmental Intermediaries & Trading Group Limited)
Providing CER credits to the NZETS - CDM Project Capability now Available in New Zealand
EITG (Environmental Intermediaries &Trading Group Limited) has recently been approved as a service provider under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol by the CDM Bazaar part of the UNFCCC UNEP RISO Centre
Under the Kyoto Protocol Annex B countries, the so called ‘developed countries’ can promote and invest in projects to reduce emissions in developing countries such as South Africa. The CDM Bazaar is a central site listing leading companies such as EITG that offer CDM project services.
These carbon credits will be added to the extensive project and forestry credit portfolio either managed or owned by EITG further cementing its role as the leading supplier of Carbon Credit solutions and projects under the Kyoto Protocol in the region and to the NZETS.
Further accounts to hold these CER credits have been opened with the NZEUR (New Zealand Emissions Units Register)