Peter Maire continues re-investment in Tech
Peter Maire continues re-investment in NZ Tech Companies -
Peter Maire intends to boost his investments into
several of New Zealand's
growing high-tech companies
through his investment vehicle, Tahia
Today Mr Maire sold a portion of Tahia's holding in NZX
listed Rakon Limited
(NZX:RAK) to increase Tahia's pool
of funds to make these additional
He said Rakon continues to be a star performer for Tahia.
"It is
a true global technology business, based out of New Zealand,
more than 800 people world-wide, and a world leader
in quartz crystal
components for timing reference and
frequency control applications, such as
positioning systems (GPS) and wireless communications".
Peter Maire said it was an extremely reluctant sale, but
in the current New
Zealand market situation, with a
non-existent private equity market, he saw
no other
One of the investments Maire is making is to
increase his stake in Fusion
Electronics Limited, which
will see him take a majority interest.
Fusion is an
Auckland based global consumer electronics brand that
achieved rapid global expansion in the last year. The
company will use the
investment capital to fund the
rollout of new product lines as well as
further expansion
into new territories.
Maire has been driving the addition
of new products, markets and people
drawing on the same
experiences and resources built up during
growth periods at Navman.
"Recession was the
best time of growth for us at Navman. Global
want new and innovative products on the shelves
to keep drawing in consumers
but in recession the large,
blue chip brands tend to slow down", said