Ken Ginn to Attend Young Chinese Leaders Forum

Published: Mon 18 Aug 2008 12:21 AM
Media Release
For Immediate Release
18 August 2008
Ken Ginn Selected to Attend Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum
Senior Solicitor at MGF Webb, Ken Ginn, has been selected as one of 100 delegates worldwide to attend the prestigious Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2008.
The forum, held annually since 2002, aims to grow and bring together a network of young Chinese leaders from around the world to discuss topical issues of global importance. Those selected to attend the forum have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills, achieved excellence in both academic and non academic pursuits and have a strong commitment to their community.
This year, to commemorate the thirty years of reform and the opening-up of the People’s Republic of China, forum delegates will visit Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta Region in the Guangdong Province in China to witness the rapid economic development and infrastructural growth in that has taken place in recent years.
Forum delegates will meet government officials, visit corporations and sites of economic, infrastructural and industrial significance, as well as museums and places of historical and cultural interest represented in Modern Chinese history.
“This is an exciting opportunity to explore China in a way that very few people get to see”, says Ken. “I feel privileged to have been selected to attend the forum and to have the chance to meet like-minded individuals from around the world.”
“This is an excellent achievement for Ken, who contributes significantly to the Chinese community in Auckland and throughout the country,” says Partner MGF Webb, Malcolm Webb. “We are very proud of him.”
Ken is actively involved in the New Zealand Asian community. He is a former president of the Kiwi Asian Club and was the founding president of ASIA (Asian Students in Auckland) at the University of Auckland. He is also secretary of the Auckland Chinese Community Centre Sports Club and this year was an active member of the New Zealand Chinese Association’s Easter Tournament Organising Committee 2008.
The Dragon 100 Young Chinese Leaders Forum 2008 takes place from 22 to 30 August 2008.

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