Winstones runs Kelson residents off land

Published: Fri 7 Mar 2008 04:52 PM
Press Release - Kelson Residents Action Group
Winstones runs Kelson residents off land
Winstones Aggregates, a division of Fletchers have spent the last year aggressively bullying innocent residents of the peaceful Lower Hutt suburb to leave their Kelson and Liverton Road land-holdings.
The irresponsible Corporate is seeking to extend it's quarrying operations, having recently purchased a large tract of rural land neighbouring to established lifestyle blocks and Belmont regional park.
It plans to dump overburden (fill) on the land bordered by many residential properties for a 12 year period, creating excess noise, dust, health issues and a permanent visual eyesore, as it has numerous heavy machines build a mountain.
Winstones claims the effects on environmental amenity values and neighbours will be only minor. Yet it has sent letters to many neighbouring residents who have submitted objections to their Winstones application for a resource consent.
The content of these letters shows a clear and high awareness that noxious effects will not be "minor" (a requirement if consent is issued). Winstones disturbingly ranted that the homeowners might need to consider physically uplifting and relocating their (often substantial) homes, to unspecified locations.
No financial assistance was offered to help achieve this unexpected demand - and Winstones rantings suggested none should be as they suggested the houses had been wrongly sited by their owners in the first place. Legal opinions considered this view quite incorrect.
These provocative and heartless letters were sent without warning to hapless people living near Wijstones newly acquired land who are on invalids benefits, and to the elderly and to people who were dying or nursing the terminally ill.
Such uncalled for harrassment, not to mention having new "neighbours from hell" has resulted in an abundance of "For Sale" signs sprouting in the area.
Winstones campaign to remove the residents by making life unfeasible near it's holdings have also included raised noise levels lately, creation of dust storms by the failure to water down loose dust, and the removal of a shelter belt.
One which to residents best understanding is legally required to serve as a buffer screening operations from distant residents.
Aside from the potential impacts of Winstones evil moneygrubbing plans on distraught neighbours, the Belmont Regional Park may never again offer the same experience and retreat.
Hundreds of recreational users, trampers, bikers, fishers and ornithologists may also have to relocate if Winstones gets it's way at their upcoming Resource Consent Hearing.
Winstones previously requested to have the regional park re-zoned to allow significant disturbance by Quarry excavation activities.
This environmentally criminal request was knocked back, as the residents hope the current bullying and proposed project that is so incompatible with the unique natural character of Kelson properties (often containing protected bush) will be.

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