Blackmores gives would-be-mums a helping hand
Tuesday 26 February 2008
Well-conceived: Blackmores gives would-be-mums a helping hand
The decision to “try” for a baby is an exciting step and once made, a healthy conception is the key goal. To help, Blackmores introduces Blackmores Conceive WellTM Gold, the first pre-conception product available in pharmacy, health and grocery stores throughout New Zealand, and launches, a support website.
Developed in association with fertility experts, Blackmores Conceive Well™ Gold prepares the body for conception by:
Supplying nutrients associated with healthy ovulation and
normal conception
- Helping protect the female
reproductive system from free radical damage
- Supplying
nutrients needed for hormone production
“In New Zealand the average age for a first time pregnancy is 30 years, and from 35 years onwards there is a significant drop in the chance of conception. About 1 in 6 couples are affected by some degree of infertility, even after one or more successful pregnancies,” says Blackmores NZ Naturopath Natasha Humphrey.
“Unfortunately this is one area where time and age are really working against us. Age has a huge impact on the time it may take a woman to fall pregnant, along with other implicating factors such as diet, lifestyle and general health. The levels of many supportive nutrients necessary for healthy conception and pregnancy decline as we age, and can be lacking from our diets. Looking after yourself and making sure you have adequate levels of key nutrients can increase chances of a healthy conception.”
A significant number of New Zealand women have lower than recommended intakes of essential nutrients before falling pregnant. Blackmores Conceive Well™ Gold is uniquely formulated for pre-conception care, supplying the nutrients needed in preparation for conception.
ingredients include:
CoQ10, which is linked to
healthy early stages of pregnancy
High levels of zinc
and antioxidants, important for conception
Vitamin C,
needed for hormone production, egg growth and
Iron, which supports healthy
Importantly, as many women do not know that
they have successfully conceived for the first few weeks of
pregnancy, Blackmores Conceive Well™ Gold contains key
ingredients necessary at the time of conception, including:
Folic Acid, proven to reduce the incidence of neural
tube defects
Iodine, for a developing baby’s brain
health – it can take five months to correct deficient
levels, so it is important to consider prior to falling
Omega-3 fatty acids for normal visual and
brain development
Upon confirming pregnancy, Natasha Humphrey recommends switching to Blackmores Pregnancy and Breast-Feeding Formula Gold™ which contains additional nutrients to support the growing baby.
Natural fertility expert, Melanie Koeman notes: “Your reproductive system is not isolated from the rest of your body; its health is affected by everything you eat, drink, breath, feel and do.”
Taking a holistic, commonsense approach, women can take steps to improve their chance of conceiving and these are outlined in detail on Blackmores’ new website: These steps involved are:
Cleaning up and removing the hurdles – by avoiding toxins
like tobacco and alcohol and shedding excess weight
Getting healthy and building up your nutrition
Scheduling a preconception care check with your doctor
Knowing your cycle to help determine your fertility
Blackmores Conceive Well Gold™ is available in supermarkets, pharmacies and health stores for RRP $44.90. For general health advice, free-phone a Blackmores naturopath on 0508 757 473 or visit or